I’m a sociocultural anthropologist and writer with teaching and research interests in commodity chains, artisanship, and extractivism in Pakistan and its connections to South, Southeast and East Asia.


Ping-hsiu Alice Lin is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Anthropology at Harvard University. She was formerly an Academy Scholar at the Harvard Academy for International & Area Studies. Previously a Doctoral Fellow (2020-21) at the Center for Global Asia, New York University Shanghai, she defended her Ph.D. in Anthropology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in July 2021.

Her book manuscript “Precious Economies: Labor, Place and Value in the Afghan-Pakistan Borderlands” examines the colored stone trade in northwest Pakistan and its adjacent regions, exploring the links between imperialism, mining, artisanship, geosciences, and commodity chains. At stake in her research is the rethinking of the relation between value and imperial legacies, and ideas of quality and authenticity in the Global North that have come to shape the market for precious minerals. For this project, she has conducted ethnographic and archival research primarily in Peshawar and Bangkok, as well as Beruwala, Karachi, and mining areas in northern Pakistan and eastern Afghanistan.

The in-progress book is based on her eponymous dissertation, which was awarded the IACS Dissertation Prize 2023 and shortlisted for the ICAS Dissertation Prize 2023.

Ping-hsiu’s research is supported by grants from the Wenner-Gren Foundation, American Institute of Afghanistan Studies, EHESS, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.




“Precious Economies: Gems and Value-Making in the Pakistan-Afghanistan Borderlands.” PhD diss. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2021.



Selected Talks 

“After Exploratory Geology: Making Gems Resources in Global Afghanistan”

Natural Resources, Sovereignty and Markets: Revisiting Socio-Economic Histories of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Conference, Harvard University

(June 14–15, 2023)

“Connectivity and Shifting Markets on Pakistan’s Borderlands”

11th Annual Pakistan Conference
University of Michigan’s Center for South Asian Studies
(April 1st, 2022)

“A Rolling Stone Gathers Gloss: the Colored Stone Trade Across South and Southeast Asia”

In and Out of South Asia: Race, Capitalism, and Mobility University of Michigan’s Center for South Asian Studies Conference, (February 25-6, 2022)

“Tacit Knowledge and Moving Artisans: Gems, Technology and Knowledge Transmission Across South Asia”

Pakistan Conference ‘22, Placing Pakistan: Space, Time, and the Everyday, University of Pennsylvania, (February 11-12, 2022)

“Being and Belonging among Pakistan's Chinese Diaspora,” China in the World conference, SOAS (December 8, 2021)

“Chinese in Pakistan: Diasporic Identity, Faith, and Practice”

Institute for Chinese Studies, New Delhi (July 31, 2018)

Invited Workshops

Urban Transnationalisms and the Hinterlands of the Gem Trade
Social Science Research Council’s InterAsia Program, Infrastructure cluster (February 15-28, 2021)

Value, values, and religion in the contemporary world
The Center for Contemporary Buddhist Studies, University of Copenhagen (May 24-25, 2017)

